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Dubai"s first "Gold to Go" vending machines as a new visitor attraction.A visit of the world"s tallest building, with 828 meters it"s the Burj Khalifa, isn"t missing for a lot of tourists of Dubai. The tower holds different records like “Highest number of stories in the world” or “Elevator with the longest travel distance in the world”. Another characteristic is the highest outdoor observation deck in the world.


Recently, the visitors have the opportunity to buy gold bars which are emblazoned with the logo of the tower as a souvenir. They receive them from two "Gold to Go" vending machines. One of them is located at At the Top, Burj Khalifa, Level 124, and the other one is in the souvenir store at the entrance of the At the Top at The Dubai Mall"s Lower Ground Level. They are coated in 24-carat gold and offer four types of gold bars - 2.5gms, 5gms, 10gms, and 1 ounce. Therefore you have a special souvenir of this grandiose city which is also known for the Burj Al Arab, the luxury hotel Atlantis The palm, the Mall of the Emirates and next to it the Dubai Ski hall.

The annual Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF), known in Arabic as “Layali Dubai”, started this year already on the 20th of January 2011 and it will end on the 20th of February 2011. The slogan is “One World One Family One Festival”.

The original reason for the implication of this festival 1996 by the government was to promote the trade in Dubai. Since that time it has developed into a big tourist attraction.
The number of tourists increased in 2009 to over 3.35 million people.Besides the possibility to purchase goods like gold, jewellery, perfumes, clothes, carpets and arts with a discount of up to 70 percent, clients can experience a rich cultural program for the whole family.The festival will end each year with a spectacular firework show at the Burj Khalifa Boulevard and the Dubai Creek Park.

The festival provides a lot of events like international fashion shows, street performances, lasershows, Aqua Fantasia Shows and a “Children of the World Olympiad”. In the Global Village which is one of the main parts of the fest tourists can find some main attractions and events. Different exhibitors from all over the world come together there and give an insight into their culture.

Dubai is very important destination  ;Chris Clarke said that :“Dubai is a critical gateway to the Middle East for a wide array of internationally-minded companies. The addition of the Dubai office to our global office network enhances our capabilities to meet the expanding needs of our clients in identifying and retaining top leaders in this important market and around the world.”

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