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Turkey is to establish a European Union ministry after June 12 parliamentary elections. The EU affairs are coordinated by state minister Egemen Bağış. The delegation of the European Union to Turkey has a booklet about EU enlargements. It 's called “EU enlargements through the eyes of the media “. Did you read it ? If you didn't read; here are  some interesting facts  from it : Marc Pierini Ambassador Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey “ We hope the story of the other countries' accession to the EU will give Turkish readers a healthy feeling of déja vu in terms of their own journey towards EU membership. “The booklet has 8 chapters , one of the most interesting chapters is “ Chapter 2 :UK :  to be or not to be “. One of Turkey's key supporters for its bid to join the EU is the United Kingdom. The UK applied twice in 1963 and 1967 and was rejected twice by French President Charles de Gaulle . It was seen to be too different from “continental Europe”,too big to be taken easily on board ,and too close to its strategic ally,the USA.

There is example  from media:
Le Monde 5 May 1971 “ Three reasons against Great Britain's EEC membership” Jean-Marcel Jeanneney,former ambassador and minister under de Gaulle and Pompidou, expounds on the three reasons to oppose UK accession to the EEC: economic factors;military and diplomatic dependence on the US ;and the threat to the French language by English.

You read 8 chapters and there is a sentence at the end ,  “ This booklet tries to show,if both sides( Turkey and EU )  really believe in this project ,they can do what it takes to make it a success.
Will Turkey's EU membership dream come true? In the most famous Shakespearean long speech, Hamlet begins by saying ,To Be or Not to Be ; That Is the Question.The final question...

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